An urban legend come true?

THE AP REPORTS By: The Associated Press KENNETT SQUARE, Pa. – Police in suburban Philadelphia are investigating Halloween candy reportedly found with “a needle-type item” inside. The Kennett Square police department said Sunday that such items were reportedly found inside five wrapped Twix bars given to four different children on Halloween night in the Stenning … Read moreAn urban legend come true?

Do you check your kids’ Halloween candy every year for knives and poison? Ever wonder why?

Where did the fear of poison in Halloween candy or knives in apples come from? The MEDIA! The SMITHSONIAN offers up an interesting report that you probably didn’t know: You really never had anything to fear with All Hallow’s Eve treats..  I myself also recall a childhood fear of this very thing–the notion that the … Read moreDo you check your kids’ Halloween candy every year for knives and poison? Ever wonder why?