River worries..

I know what the projections say.. I know they are talking about rivers being dangerously above flood levels–and the highest since Agnes in ‘72. But something deep down thinks their projections are off a bit and the river levels may end up being higher than projected.. What is troubling me is the rain pattern, how … Read moreRiver worries..


…take a look at radar and satellite. Katia is so large and so strong in the Atlantic it seemingly is blocking Lee from moving out! Every time the rain seems to end, more forms.. all the way down to Virginia.. still a line of storms and strong rain. And even worse for those on the … Read moreI THINK WE CAN THANK KATIA..

A cautionary tale with no exaggeration

If you live in the Coal Region, Wilkes Barre, PA, Harrisburg PA, Hershey PA, Dillsburg, PA, York, PA.. anywhere in Eastern PA.. Halzeton.. you name it.. all the way up to Eastern New York, all the way down the Maryland border: IF you don’t have to go out, or are not currently being evacuated due … Read moreA cautionary tale with no exaggeration