Maybe now we see why some companies keep ingredients “secret”.. Coke and Pepsi are going to drop the ‘cancer’ chemicals that they put into their product. Thanks Coke and Pepsi. I’m 31.. and drank lots of you.. thanks for doing this now..

Maybe now we see why some companies keep ingredients “secret”.. Coke and Pepsi are going to drop the ‘cancer’ chemicals that they put into their product. Thanks Coke and Pepsi. I’m 31.. and drank lots of you.. thanks for doing this now..

This story is sad and alarming: More than 3,000 children from Northern Uganda suffering from debilitating mystery ailment known as nodding disease

The strange disease known only as ‘nodding disease’ is confounding experts.. it is also killing children at an alarming rate.. unknown are the causes.. what is known is this: The disease affects only children and gradually devastates its victims through debilitating seizures, stunted growth, wasted limbs, mental disabilities and sometimes starvation.. This story is sad … Read moreThis story is sad and alarming: More than 3,000 children from Northern Uganda suffering from debilitating mystery ailment known as nodding disease

Attention parents, I have a question..

My 8-month-old is breathing funny as of late.. our pediatrician believes it to be tracheomalacia.. it’s a strange gasp at time, but his oxygen levels are alright. Of course that doesn’t matter when you’re hearing a strange gasp emerge from his body. Anyone out there have the same issue, and if so, was it worse some days than … Read moreAttention parents, I have a question..

No mention of what one is to do if you’re actually afraid of what’s IN the vaccine.. thedailyfeed: Scared of needles? You’re in luck: A new method of delivering flu vaccines injects you just below the surface of the skin with a needle less than 1/10 of an inch long. See the traditional flu vaccine on … Read more

*Another* new study suggests that autism may be triggered in the womb

The latest in a number of theories as to what causes the distressing ailment to children..This theory is according a study by Stanford University.. They compared cases of autism in identical and fraternal twins and found that fraternal twins – who share only half of the same genes – have unusually high rates of autism. … Read more*Another* new study suggests that autism may be triggered in the womb