You know I knew I hate Valentine’s Day for a reason

And now I have my reason: Lupercalia, when the men were men and the women were whipped.. And now, after muddying the waters as the Popes do so well, we celebrate Valentine’s Day, or at least did yesterday.. The NPR story I linked here a few minutes ago continues to fascinate me.. ..The notion of … Read moreYou know I knew I hate Valentine’s Day for a reason

The State of the Union ‘will be strong’ and other likely things

The union is strong.?As it is every year. Along with commentators stating ‘this is the most important speech of {insert president} political life!’ and ‘this is a make or break moment!’ Not saying it’s not meaningful.. Or that I won’t watch it. But I just most likely watch the post-speech nonsense from talking heads with … Read moreThe State of the Union ‘will be strong’ and other likely things