The IRS will pay Equifax $7.25 million to verify taxpayer identities and help prevent fraud under a no-bid contract issued last week!!!  Even as lawmakers lash the embattled company about a massive security breach that exposed personal information of as many as 145.5 million Americans!!  A contract award for Equifax’s data services was posted to the Federal Business Opportunities database Sept. 30 — the final day of the fiscal year. The credit agency will “verify taxpayer identity” and “assist in ongoing identity verification and validations” at the IRS, according to the award.

The IRS will pay Equifax $7.25 million to verify taxpayer identities and help prevent fraud under a no-bid contract issued last week!!!  Even as lawmakers lash the embattled company about a massive security breach that exposed personal information of as many as 145.5 million Americans!!  A contract award for Equifax’s data services was posted to … Read moreThe IRS will pay Equifax $7.25 million to verify taxpayer identities and help prevent fraud under a no-bid contract issued last week!!!  Even as lawmakers lash the embattled company about a massive security breach that exposed personal information of as many as 145.5 million Americans!!  A contract award for Equifax’s data services was posted to the Federal Business Opportunities database Sept. 30 — the final day of the fiscal year. The credit agency will “verify taxpayer identity” and “assist in ongoing identity verification and validations” at the IRS, according to the award.

White House responds to Justice Dept. secretly obtaining AP phone records: “We are not involved”

The White House has responded to accusations that the Justice Department secretly obtained two months of telephone records for some of the associated press’ reporters and editors. More must read information from CNN White House responds to Justice Dept. secretly obtaining AP phone records: “We are not involved”

Previous Presidents, including great ones like Roosevelt, have used the IRS against their enemies. But I don’t think Barack Obama ever wanted to be on the same page as Richard Nixon. In this specific case, he now is. Joe Klein on the IRS scandal. Ouch.

Wha…?  The taxman readeth: The IRS says it can read emails without a warrant! That’s right.. the ACLU has obtained internal IRS documents in which they tell themselves they can read pretty much any form of communications whenever they want to..

Ohhh.. how you waited. Ohh how you craved it. It’s that fantastic day yet again, when taxes are due and you are too.. Be safe. Good luck with the fast form.. good luck with the exemptions.. good luck with the tax code. And most of all, good luck with the post office.. (Source: