Jim Thorpe making plans for a Krampus kind of Christmas!
Christmas is 295 days away.. but the spirit of Krampusnacht is hitting a little early this year.
Christmas is 295 days away.. but the spirit of Krampusnacht is hitting a little early this year.
Saturday night’s cold air was filled with warm embraces in Jim Thorpe.. It is the Christmas season yet again.. Beautiful lights.. packed bars and restaurants.. families parading the street to take in the sights and sounds of winter in the the town.. Another type of fare paraded the streets, however.. An event hosted by The … Read moreThe night that ‘Krampi’ took over Jim Thorpe
I was very sad to see what the blizzard of 2017 did to Molly Maguire’s Pub in Jim Thorpe .. from Tumblr http://ift.tt/2ms7YBn
Ayden met Santa for the second time last night. He announced his list, but this time shortened it down to two things. I think he panicked a bit and clammed up once he was face to face with the big guy.. Although afterwards he asked a good question: What is Santa doing here right now … Read more
Ayden met Santa for the second time last night. He announced his list, but this time shortened it down to two things. I think he panicked a bit and clammed up once he was face to face with the big guy.. Although afterwards he asked a good question: What is Santa doing here right now … Read more
These are three telling headlines in today’s POTTSVILLE REPUBLICAN AND HERALD.. A factory closing, a school having issues, and yet another store in the Frackville Schuylkill Mall shutting doors.. There was an old adage about the coal region of Pennsylvania: There’s a church and bar on every street corner. These days the churches have shuddered … Read more
Too early?