Rise of the robots at AOL lead to job cuts
At some point, this is all going to break society and a new way of thinking on economics and business will take shape. Mechatronics will replace four jobs–when few work what will occur to the masses of asses? Rise of the robots at AOL lead to job cuts
The Next Big Social Idea: Unconditional Basic Income
The fundamental theory behind this new social idea: Unconditional Basic Income. The UBI is a monthly monetary income granted every month, unconditionally, by a political community to each of its members from birth. Depending on the nation, in Europe and the U.S. it would probably be $2,500 per adult and $1,500 per child. It must … Read moreThe Next Big Social Idea: Unconditional Basic Income
When mediocre is chosen
There are times when you’re upset by your turmoils and troubles–moments when you feel like you’re at the center of the world.. where you’re the actor on the giant stage.. Suddenly, though, you realize that the planet will go on without you. You notice finally, after much ado about nothing, that your stage is filled … Read moreWhen mediocre is chosen
The McDonald’s employee resource site has been shut down
It’s no surprise. The site was completely out of touch with reality.. There was one section on the mock budget that left a line for second income—perhaps an acknowledgment that Mcdonalds money alone will not assist you living. There’s a lot of debate lately about the wages Mickey Ds pays—and the lack of them. I … Read moreThe McDonald’s employee resource site has been shut down
Being an intern at the White House: 45 hours a week and NO PAY!
This is a striking story .. unbelievable numbers.. and we all feel the fear . . 80% of United States adults face near poverty and unemployment. 80%.. That means four out of five American adults are struggling in this economy with joblessness, or the fear of it.. The Associated Press says it signals “a sign … Read more
Americans hate their jobs and even perks don’t help
So utntil the economy improves, or the manufacturing-based is back, or people just flat out what a hire again, until then don’t take this job and shove it even though we absolutely hate it.. Americans hate their jobs and even perks don’t help
More Americans quit jobs, a sign of confidence
WASHINGTON (AP) — More Americans are quitting their jobs, suggesting many are growing more confident in the job market. Really? Maybe people are just quitting before they get fired.. or just tired of dead end jobs. I love economists.. they see so much in something that’s not there.. Any little thing–and the amazing thing is … Read moreMore Americans quit jobs, a sign of confidence