The McDonald’s employee resource site has been shut down

It’s no surprise. The site was completely out of touch with reality..

There was one section on the mock budget that left a line for second income—perhaps an acknowledgment that Mcdonalds money alone will not assist you living.

There’s a lot of debate lately about the wages Mickey Ds pays—and the lack of them. I heard some in the debate argue that making more than minimum wage is just too much for flipping burgers—but that argument discounts one important factor, that flipping burgers and the service economy as a whole is the new American job!

There isn’t much manufacturing .. Tech development in the United States is behind so many other nations.. Fast food and restaurant work is here to stay—until the robots take over I guess ..

But it really is a big economic issue.. The fact that so many, often including college graduates, are with left with no jobs besides service work, makes me almost think it propels the debate into an uncharted territory..

I don’t eat fast food much, but I have worked in restaurants most of my life and have a dream of owning one in the future .. (Distant future as I look at my
Bank account).. And I can tell you: One income from a restaurant is not enough to survive.