Cabeb Wilde writes: Thoughts on John McCain’s Cancer Diagnosis and Why Death Positivity Needs to Reframe Cancer Talk

Cabeb Wilde writes: Thoughts on John McCain’s Cancer Diagnosis and Why Death Positivity Needs to Reframe Cancer Talk: This is  a truly thoughtful piece.. My favorite part:  Certainly, we love life.  We want to see our children get older, we want to be around our friends, but sometimes with cancer, it’s okay to accept that … Read moreCabeb Wilde writes: Thoughts on John McCain’s Cancer Diagnosis and Why Death Positivity Needs to Reframe Cancer Talk

Cabeb Wilde writes: Thoughts on John McCain’s Cancer Diagnosis and Why Death Positivity Needs to Reframe Cancer Talk

Cabeb Wilde writes: Thoughts on John McCain’s Cancer Diagnosis and Why Death Positivity Needs to Reframe Cancer Talk: This is  a truly thoughtful piece.. My favorite part:  Certainly, we love life.  We want to see our children get older, we want to be around our friends, but sometimes with cancer, it’s okay to accept that … Read moreCabeb Wilde writes: Thoughts on John McCain’s Cancer Diagnosis and Why Death Positivity Needs to Reframe Cancer Talk

Two sides to every scandal

Donald Trump got trashed for diminishing John McCain’s war hero status (then his polls went UP).. But there may have been and either unintended or intended consequence to the brouhaha… Now some are re-looking at some longstanding oddities over McCain and his attempts to conceal some POW related items about Vietnam.. A report worth reading … Read moreTwo sides to every scandal

ACLU against S. 1867, the National Defense Authorization Act bill, which will be on the Senate floor Monday..

It was drafted by Carl Levin and John McCain, a Democrat and a Republican.. ““I would also point out that these provisions raise serious questions as to who we are as a society and what our Constitution seeks to protect,” Colorado Senator Mark Udall said in a speech last week. One section of these provisions, … Read moreACLU against S. 1867, the National Defense Authorization Act bill, which will be on the Senate floor Monday..