yahoonewsphotos: ‘CATASTROPHE UNFOLDS’: How newspapers covered…

yahoonewsphotos: ‘CATASTROPHE UNFOLDS’: How newspapers covered Harvey As Hurricane Harvey continues to batter the South Texas coast, national newspapers reacted to the disaster with headlines and photos to fit the storm, which has already left at least two dead. The word “catastrophe” appeared frequently. ( See more photos from newspapers and our other slideshows on … Read moreyahoonewsphotos: ‘CATASTROPHE UNFOLDS’: How newspapers covered…

INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS TIMES actually suggests that Trump risking assassination or impeachment by not having a White House pet!!

INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS TIMES actually suggests that Trump risking assassination or impeachment by not having a White House pet!!: DAN CANCIAN WRITES: Donald Trump has broken a White House by becoming the first US President in 150 years not to have a pet. Barack Obama, George W Bush and Bill Clinton, Trump’s immediate predecessors, all had … Read moreINTERNATIONAL BUSINESS TIMES actually suggests that Trump risking assassination or impeachment by not having a White House pet!!


MAY DAY! TRUMP AND THERESA CONVERSATION LEAKED..  Trump tells PM he won’t go to UK until she can score him better news coverage.. The Sun on Sunday said it had now obtained a transcript of their telephone conversation in which Trump said: “I haven’t had great coverage out there lately, Theresa.” May replied: “Well, you … Read moreMAY DAY!TRUMP AND THERESA CONVERSATION LEAKED.. Trump tells PM…

CNN forgets about free speech! MEME WAR I has begun

Here is how things unfolded.. This past slow news weekend, President Donald Trump initiated first blast when he posted a MEME of him from 2007 clothes lining Vince McMahan.. but the head of the WWE owner was replaced with CNN’s logo. The media was shocked! Scrutiny began! Such hate! Vitriol.. And some Americans most likely … Read moreCNN forgets about free speech! MEME WAR I has begun

CNN forgets about free speech! MEME WAR I has begun

Here is how things unfolded.. This past slow news weekend, President Donald Trump initiated first blast when he posted a MEME of him from 2007 clothes lining Vince McMahan.. but the head of the WWE owner was replaced with CNN’s logo. The media was shocked! Scrutiny began! Such hate! Vitriol.. And some Americans most likely … Read moreCNN forgets about free speech! MEME WAR I has begun