A New York pastor is making news.. he says that Justin Bieber is transgender and regrets ‘cutting off’ his breasts.. But before you take it seriously, know this: This is the same pastor who claimed Vlad Putin will ‘out’ Obama as gay and that Mr Manning has previously alleged that Vladimir Putin will ‘out’ Barack … Read more
justin bieber
“Bad skin day” leads bodyguards to hide Justin Bieber’s face from reporters.. Come on Biebs.. just admit it. You’re a human..
“Bad skin day” leads bodyguards to hide Justin Bieber’s face from reporters.. Come on Biebs.. just admit it. You’re a human..
Justin Bieber Will Be Roasted on Comedy Central
Justin Bieber is going to be roasted on COMEDY CENTRAL.. There is not a man, woman, or child alive (or even manchild) who does not look forward to every second of this.. But sadly, deep down, we know that this only inflates the already massive ego that Biebs possesses.. Justin Bieber Will Be Roasted on … Read moreJustin Bieber Will Be Roasted on Comedy Central
Photoshop will get you ever time..
Photoshop will get you ever time..
Biebs decided to remind his followers (a lot less of them since Instagram purged all the fake accounts) of how rich he is. So he posted a selfie from his new jet he got for Christmas.. While that may make some jealous, a careful critique of Justin’s once youthful face is showing the tests of … Read more
Biebs decided to remind his followers (a lot less of them since Instagram purged all the fake accounts) of how rich he is. So he posted a selfie from his new jet he got for Christmas.. While that may make some jealous, a careful critique of Justin’s once youthful face is showing the tests of … Read more
Wink at the tallywhacker
Read this article about Justin Bieber’s penis in a British accent. It’s great. If you’re British, just read it .. I love the Brits! And damn, they know how to write a great celebrity gossip column..
Don’t stop Beliebing: Justin Bieber’s wax figure has been removed from Madame Tussaud’s museum because fans would not stop groping it.. Seriously people?? Seriously? Bieber streamer: Justin fighting to stop release of video of him urinating in jail cell.. Reports indicate that the video shows Justin’s private parts. The gropers at the wax museum won’t know what … Read more