Lady Gaga arrives at the Grammy Awards inside an egg. And here I thought it was a giant deer tick..
lady gaga
Eggcelent Gaga
Supposedly tonight, Lady Gaga’s Grammy performance is going to somehow, someway, involve a giant egg. Perhaps she’ll wear ham for the occassion.. Eggcelent Gaga
My range of emotions after listening to BORN THIS WAY, Lady Gaga’s new song released today Is she saying “I’m a donut with Jay” or “I a bonus with hay” ?? .. Oh BORN this way.. got it.. I wonder if Madonna knows she took her 1980s style..? Eh.. not the best song.. Within minutes.. … Read more
Lady .. Gaga. .. what were you thinking!?
Born that way!? New Lady Gaga album cover for BORN THIS WAY shows her pantless and bare-reared. Its sure to get fans excited for next set of songs.. it’s bound to get complaints from some. I can’t wait to see where my local music store displays her nude behind.