No Joke. Brian Koerber on MASHABLE writes, Brooklyn-based artist and hacker KATSU used his own fecal matter to create a portrait ofFacebook CEO and cofounder Mark Zuckerberg. The pooptrait, which is currently on display at The Hole in New York City, is a part of KATSU’s first solo exhibition titled “Remember the Future.” The gallery was not immediately … Read more
mark zuckerberg
No Joke. Brian Koerber on MASHABLE writes, Brooklyn-based artist and hacker KATSU used his own fecal matter to create a portrait ofFacebook CEO and cofounder Mark Zuckerberg. The pooptrait, which is currently on display at The Hole in New York City, is a part of KATSU’s first solo exhibition titled “Remember the Future.” The gallery was not immediately … Read more
Interesting.. Zuckerberg responded to the Prism program, stating in part that Facebook never even heard of it.. Stories are not adding up.
A family photo of the Zuckerbergs is now being seen all over the net .. It appears that Randi Zuckerberg became a victim of the ever changing Mark Zuckerberg privacy settings on Facebook. Someone tweeted the photo, Randi Zuckerberg responded in anger, and …asked the Twitter user to delete the original tweet. It is too late … Read more
FACEBOOK TOLD TO CHANGE ITS PRIVACY SETTINGS Mark Zuckerberg admitted ‘high-profile mistakes’ .. Facebook gave third party companies access to users’ personal data–even after those users left Facebook.. US FTC says Facebook lied to its users for five years.. The company will be watched for ’20 years’.. The ruling is a full unlike of Facebook’s … Read more
Will the outrage from last time continue? Once again Facebook is changing its privacy policy and agreeing to share information with third parties..
And just yesterday, the Coal Speaker warned to beware the Facebook policy changes.. They are trying it all over again. And yes.. They intend on sharing home phone numbers and addresses stored within their vast servers of personal information on you–information you (and somewhat me) freely gave throughout the years.. Will the outrage from last time … Read moreWill the outrage from last time continue? Once again Facebook is changing its privacy policy and agreeing to share information with third parties..
Just a quick note..
Either my intelligence was completely insulted and my brain turned to mush watching Debbie Gibson and Tiffany be eaten by steroid-injected animals, but I thought Saturday Night Live with Jessie Eisenberg was one of the more creative and funnier shows in recent memory. That, or the past few shows have been so dismal. But I … Read moreJust a quick note..