Libya airstrike leads to near record highs .. tension rises, along with oil prices .. OIL SURGING
Libya airstrike leads to near record highs .. tension rises, along with oil prices .. OIL SURGING
The world looked at a man setting himself on fire in Tunisia.. They watched protesters storm Egypt and escort Hosni Mubarak out of office.. they are watching intense rage on the streets of Bahrain, as the government tries to crack down on protesters.. Libya, like others, has cut off the internet.. Saudi Arabia is on … Read moreThe world is on fire: my thoughts on a violent weekend
Egypt protests draw biggest crowd yet The protesters are not backing down, still speaking out, and want Mubarak gone.. Mubarak isn’t gone. . . And the crowd gets loud. What’s next..?
This weekend, it’s back to Tunisia..
Haaretz Newspaper in Israel: Obama will go down in history as the president who lost Egypt