To all New Englanders: Here’s a unique and creative idea on keeping your adult beverages cold. Keep in mind this is an old Photo but fun nonetheless. I bet people are trying it.
John Silver shovels snow between buried cars in front of his home on Third Street in South Boston, Saturday, Feb. 9, 2013.AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar How depressing.. Not being able to see your car in winter is similar to not able to see your feet after a big dinner. The digging out occurring now….in very … Read more
Dress yourself up pretty and meet me tonight in a blizzard .. Fun image from NYC courtesy of CNN. Dancing shoes in a tundra. It is truly the city that never sleeps. Love it.
An image from the storm
Massachusetts and Connecticut got hit bad
Nearly 530,000 customers have lost power in nine northeastern states during the blizzard that is blanketing the region. Over 300,000 of those CNN report My power blinked only once. Luckily. I’m warm enough to go shovel now … Thank goodness we didn’t get 3 feet here..
SUPERSTORM (the winter edition)
If forecasts hold this storm is going to be historic… SUPERSTORM (the winter edition)
Watches warnings now almost everywhere..
The blizzard will be big, but inciting fear to make runs on banks may not be a wise move. But what if banks are doing it?!
The blizzard will be big but for FEMA and Bank of America to cause fear by telling people to make runs or cash now seems a little shortsighted.. no? Cash on hand is good. Food is good. Blankets are good. But issuing messages to cause panic? Not good..