The Sunday morning sidewalk before Thanksgiving 2014

Preparations are being made.. Turkeys are getting set for their pardons. Others are plucked and ready for an oven baked  night of finger licking food. Thanksgiving is set for this week. No stopping it, the calender does not lie and time does not give any extra seconds to get things right.. But things this year … Read moreThe Sunday morning sidewalk before Thanksgiving 2014

Clowns behaving badly

The strange streak of clown crimes continue worldwide.. It seemingly all started when TWISTY first appeared on American Horror Story.. since that time frame, the news has been giving us clown recaps nightly. Clowns who terrify children with axes.. others who rip apart pumpkins on front porches.. Last week we heard about France getting a … Read moreClowns behaving badly

Pope Francis has already commented that he believes the world is engaged with a third world war.. And now he went on further to condemn war as madness and say, “Even today, after the second failure of another world war, perhaps one can speak of a third war, one fought piecemeal, with crimes, massacres, destruction”.. … Read more