Heads up on a hoax: Nibiru is not going to strike earth by August, regardless of what any website told you

HOAX WARNING! The planet Nibiru is inbound again. And again. And again. This time it’s going to be here by August, 2014. At least that is what an email to me said today.. It amazed me that such news was abundant online, but no one alerted me to any news source actually reporting it. At … Read moreHeads up on a hoax: Nibiru is not going to strike earth by August, regardless of what any website told you

It’s the end of the world as we know it.. and I feel…. like it’s not true!

Anyone in the Nibiru camp knows who John Moore is. Moore has been talking about Navy maps and all the like for decades. Planet X, or as I like to call it, Planet X-y Sexy, is coming in for a landing soon, so says The Liberty Man Moore. In recent weeks, the internet has lit … Read moreIt’s the end of the world as we know it.. and I feel…. like it’s not true!