Health non scares and selfish cares

Hypochondria and children.. They don’t mix well. Allow me to explain. I am a paranoid hypochondriac. I have always been a hypochondriac, since childhood when I thought every little thing was wrong with me and fretted endlessly about it.. and then into my teenage years when I held it private so no one would know.. … Read moreHealth non scares and selfish cares

Of life and death under the shroud of night

The 3am curse occurs again.. Last night, while most of the East Coast was undoubtedly sleeping through a peaceful summer night, I found myself pacing the house around three in the morning—the witching hour I have often written about on this site. While I don’t profess to know why the curse of sleeplessness of night … Read moreOf life and death under the shroud of night

The waning days of summer

It happens this time of year. Every year.. the moment when you’re staring at a beautiful summer sunset only to realize how early it’s leaving us.. how short the days are becoming. Sure, there’s plenty of heat coming.. Scorching conditions of August, dog days of the month. They will undoubtedly occur.. and when the first … Read moreThe waning days of summer

The amazing things that happen when you’re busy making other plans. Four years on..

The John Lennon song still is true.. there are things in life that remind you you’re not in charge. Such an event occurred February 2011 when my wife went into labor after watching a Cosby Show rerun with me around 3am–the witching hour. She had our son, Ayden Morris, near 1pm hours later.. From that … Read moreThe amazing things that happen when you’re busy making other plans. Four years on..

I got a new phone today.. goodbye to the intrusive and slow spy device from Apple. Hello fast and modern extra illuminati spy device from Samsung.. expect some really lame little strokes of art until they lose all humor even to me, which won’t be long. It’s my hope that my phone will listen to … Read more