In case you haven’t notice.. it seems it.
There is something very raw about the death of a human .. Very emotional, very real. When you’re up close, often in the presence of someone who lose the final battle to whatever ailment or frailty making the suffer, the heavy weight is apparent.. Even those who don’t subscribe to a higher power battle deep questions within.. I think we all wish the soul travels to a better place. Some of us have faith that it does. Others don’t. The rest of us simply don’t know–even though we read warnings that the light is trick and trap, we all tend to gravitate towards it anyway, according to accounts of near death activities..
Read moreThe near death experience: When we don’t want to go
I penned up a quick daily doodle for a friend of mine, however that will remain private and is not meant for public disclosure. Afterwards, out if ideas, I asked my son Ayden to give me a subject to draw for my public daily doodle. He responded that he wanted me to draw him in … Read more
I had a very long discussion with a friend last night about society’s ills and the dramatic changes that we have seen even in our relatively young lives.. It’s amazing. We traveled back to 6th grade. I distinctly remember “Sister Monica” and other nuns debating whether they should show my class that cutting edge flick … Read moreHips don’t lie. Twerking might
Seriously.. who DIDN’T jam to this DJ SAMMY BOYS OF SUMMER remake back in 2002 and 2003? My wife, who was then just a ‘friend,’ introduced me to it before we even knew we’d be married with a child. Weird how times change.. years change.. time goes on. Rock on. (Source: https://www.youtube.com/)
Better shoes.. Going green for a Saint Patrick’s days parade in Girardville PA. This time I match. Incidentally my wife wanted me to wear my orange sneakers. So an IRISH themed parade?! Obviously not today, I didn’t want to start an international incident.
This is what happens when you get dressed in the dark! One of these shoes is not like the other.. The right one nice , the left one from an old pair I do work around the house in.. The good thing is nobody really noticed, I played it pretty well. Every time someone started … Read more
I’m away on a three day conference. I miss my wife and son. But getting a picture from home like this gives me a smile.
If there is a God he has a perverse sense of what’s funny. But if you look at the glass half-full perhaps he’s always a few steps ahead of the game A work related conference has forced me to have to travel for two nights to an undesirable location somewhere in Pennsylvania, I’ll keep that … Read moreGod sure is funny