A funny thing happened on the way home from the hospital Much to the chagrin of some readers to email me expressing a desire to stop reading about time slips, one more funny thing happened on the way home from the hospital. For those not aware, you can read back from the week and find … Read more
A foreboding Christmas as the calender closes in..
You thought Halloween was scary? Take a peek at how close we are to Christmas.. and 2014.. I feel like I missed a week of everything.. It was a trying and horrendous personal time for me and my family last week. This week, with any luck and grace of an almighty something, will be better. … Read moreA foreboding Christmas as the calender closes in..
Weird timing.. of time slips
My father is still receiving hospital care, but his situation has improved over the past 24 hours–greatly. Hopefully those encouraging circumstances continue..and maybe he will have a great Christmas surrounded by a thankful family at the dinner table in 2013. Meanwhile, my personal insanity continues. This whole business I have been writing about, concerning time … Read moreWeird timing.. of time slips
Time slips.. being in one place and time and not the same the next. Thinking you’re in the wrong timeline, by accident or on purpose? Don’t tell me it never happened to you… (Source: https://www.youtube.com/)
what do yuo mean time travel and stuff?
Thanks for the ‘question’ .. I mean lots of ‘stuff.’ As a matter of fact, again without going into gory details, there’s a medical emergency taking place within the family. At the same time the occurrence took place, deja vu happened. At the same time deja vu happened, other accidental coincidences took place to make … Read morewhat do yuo mean time travel and stuff?
I am still here.. I am not sure what timeline I’m on but I’m still here
A brief update, there has been a personal crisis within the family, I do not want to going to any more details at this time. It however has kept me from updating this website.. I did not forget about you all out there, I will write some more on this matter as it develops, but … Read moreI am still here.. I am not sure what timeline I’m on but I’m still here
Christmas music season starts.. thanks to Joni Mitchell and the RIVER.. Good morning, all. I am thinking of some personal matters today, deeply.. Is it possible–just a thought–that there are multiple universes? Filled with multiple possibilities? Is it possible that strange moments of deja vu are truly signs that you HAVE lived through this all … Read more
The reality of life hits you like a ton of bricks
I just wish fate and inevitability would give a few warning shots before they fire off..
Icy days and Mondays always get me down
Christmas should not be as scary a season as Halloween, but this year it is. The calender is beginning to haunt me. Time always haunts me and fascinates me all the same. It is quick to leave, but slow to get here.. A strange parallel in some way, right? Nonetheless, I am watching the days … Read moreIcy days and Mondays always get me down
One more for you, John G. Hope this brings back some memories. (Source: https://www.youtube.com/)