The next social experiment: Wage floor

The Next Big Social Idea: Unconditional Basic Income » The fundamental theory behind this new social idea: Unconditional Basic Income. The UBI is a monthly monetary income granted every month, unconditionally, by a political community to each of its members from birth. Depending on the nation, in Europe and the U.S. it would probably be … Read moreThe next social experiment: Wage floor

A Fumblr on Tumblr: When reblogging innocence is creepy

I have been a Tumblr blogger for about four years now, on and off.. While I have several hundred followers, I really don’t find myself finding TUMBLR to be a place for dedicated blogging or long winded posting.. The scene there is credits weird GIFs and cat memes much more than someone with a thoughtful … Read moreA Fumblr on Tumblr: When reblogging innocence is creepy

Only 7,200 minutes left to shop

The weekend is descending.. Nervous shoppers are undoubtedly expressing their panic in stores across America. Maybe. I heard an ad for KOHL’s today.. they are apparently set to treat their employees to 24/7 operations from this weekend until Christmas.. Before you rage against the machine, ask yourself this: Will people buy it? Literally.. will shoppers … Read moreOnly 7,200 minutes left to shop