Justice demands 1.3M IP addresses related to Trump resistance site

Justice demands 1.3M IP addresses related to Trump resistance site: Dreamhost, a web hosting provider, said that it has been working with the Department of Justice for several months on the request, which believes goes too far under the Constitution. DreamHost claimed that the complying with the request from the Justice Department would amount to handing … Read moreJustice demands 1.3M IP addresses related to Trump resistance site

Like besides being creepy as heck and stuff, smart tv’s encourage self censorship. Idk I think that’s dangerous.

Amazingly good point, thank you for making it. People will now, because of all of these revelations about what SAMSUNG’s products (and others too) can do, they will be a little more fearful walking in their homes.. a little more self-censored. A little less themselves.. Even if people go by that awfully annoying motto “if … Read moreLike besides being creepy as heck and stuff, smart tv’s encourage self censorship. Idk I think that’s dangerous.

I vote that Samsung uses this image in their next ad for a Smart TV. Freddy with television antennas on his head may be the only thing a little freakier than Samsung’s products. The only thing is, Freddy really didn’t care what we were saying..

Careful, Your Samsung Smart TV Might Be Eavesdropping on You

No chance for damage control at SAMSUNG.. the company has been in the news for having actual text in their documents warning consumers of smart TVs not to have personal conversations in front of them.. They will be recorded and sold to third party people.. SAMSUNG shares fell and an outcry has ensued among people … Read moreCareful, Your Samsung Smart TV Might Be Eavesdropping on You