WOW: iPhone keeps record of everywhere you go.. including location coordinates plus timestamps of the owner’s movements
WOW: iPhone keeps record of everywhere you go.. including location coordinates plus timestamps of the owner’s movements
WOW: iPhone keeps record of everywhere you go.. including location coordinates plus timestamps of the owner’s movements
Welcome to the new world order, Boston version, where thermal cameras invade privacy and see a bit too much..
And just yesterday, the Coal Speaker warned to beware the Facebook policy changes.. They are trying it all over again. And yes.. They intend on sharing home phone numbers and addresses stored within their vast servers of personal information on you–information you (and somewhat me) freely gave throughout the years.. Will the outrage from last time … Read moreWill the outrage from last time continue? Once again Facebook is changing its privacy policy and agreeing to share information with third parties..
Here’s one you won’t hear about at the State of the Union speech tonight: Google is coming under fire for its close relationship with the NSA
Domestic use of aerial drones by law enforcement likely to prompt privacy debate…
New security fears: Facebook Apps Allowing Access to Numbers and Addresses