Amazing set of headlines.. “Sex-horror’ film? Yeesh.. Now, the chapter is closed with the sentencing today of Sheila Kearns.. One I still don’t get completely. But no one else seems to be a little queasy with an African American teacher being thrown into jail for showing a horror movie–a legal horror movie–to a class. AS … Read more
I am going to attempt to stay out of the ever-so-controversial weeds of the George Zimmerman case..
But I can only say this.. I am annoyed, very annoyed actually, with the amount of times both the prosecution and defense used the word ‘really’ in their closing arguments. Apparently both sides have been watching lots of old Tina Fey/Seth Meyers “really” skits from the Weekend Update bit on Saturday Night Live. It was … Read moreI am going to attempt to stay out of the ever-so-controversial weeds of the George Zimmerman case..