Am I the only person who thinks that Rick Perry looks like a He-Man character.. So it got me to think: If he was what would his action figure name me?
Rick perry
Ron Paul vs Rick Perry
Ron Paul vs Rick Perry
Hairy situation:
Article on the HUFFINGTON POST titled, “Cameron Todd Willingham Execution: Rick Perry’s Role Deserves Scrutiny,” making big waves Hairy situation:
Texas fires.. the Gov’s hair may get messed.. hope the tape holds!
Get ready America
Call me crazy but I’m pretty sure George W. Bush announced he’s running for a third term. I think.
Prediction: Rick Perry will be the Republican nominee for President.
Other predictions: Ron Paul will run as an independent. Big bankers will give big money to both Perry and Obama. Obama will still win. The Great Depression will continue.
When your state is on fire, pray like hell. That’s what Rick Perry wants Texans to do..