The gigantic blast that rocked Donetsk, Ukraine, apparently was at a chemical plant. Videos showing the gigantic explosion were being shared on social media websites and Internet forums, with some claiming it was small, “tactical nuke.” “This was caused by a dropped cigarette butt,” the Ukraine army’s Anti-Terrorist Operation spokesman, Andrey Lysenko, said, according to Russian state broadcaster “Accidents often happen in factories where no one is responsible for fire safety. Well, it’s chaos, and they are barbarians.”

Whoa..This is quite the swerve in the information department.. The gigantic blast that rocked Donetsk, Ukraine, apparently was at a chemical plant. Videos showing the gigantic explosion were being shared on social media websites and Internet forums, with some claiming it was small, “tactical nuke.” “This was caused by a dropped cigarette butt,” the Ukraine … Read moreThe gigantic blast that rocked Donetsk, Ukraine, apparently was at a chemical plant. Videos showing the gigantic explosion were being shared on social media websites and Internet forums, with some claiming it was small, “tactical nuke.” “This was caused by a dropped cigarette butt,” the Ukraine army’s Anti-Terrorist Operation spokesman, Andrey Lysenko, said, according to Russian state broadcaster “Accidents often happen in factories where no one is responsible for fire safety. Well, it’s chaos, and they are barbarians.”

Pure speculation.. but that’s what I often do best..

 Back in September 2007, the LONDON TELEGRAPH reported that Russia had tested the ‘father of all bombs’ .. this is how reporter Adam Blomfield described the new weapon at that time: Developed in secret, the unchristened bomb, a vacuum device capable of emitting shockwaves as powerful as a nuclear weapon, was unveiled with great theatre … Read morePure speculation.. but that’s what I often do best..

While the world seems fixated on pagan rituals and Illuminati messages at the Grammy awards, this big news just happened.. This is a photo screen grab from a video making big waves on YouTube tonight.. Some are saying is evidence of a tactical nuclear weapon being used in Ukraine.. Others say it’s evidence if a … Read more

When a Russian feels any foreign pressure, he will never give up his leader,” Shuvalov said. “Never. We will survive any hardship in the country — eat less food, use less electricity. Russian Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov Pootie Poot’s been awfully demanding lately.. more sex? less food? Life in Russia..

President Obama imposed sanctions on Russia. In turn, Russia imposed its own, even saying John McCain could not go to Russia anymore–prompting the Arizona Senator to make a joke that he’ll have to cancel his Siberia vacation. But to prove that current events have less in common with common sense and more in common with … Read more

Crimea has voted: 95+% of the over 1.2 million people who went to the polls want to be a part of Russia.. people took to the streets to celebrate after the vote, champagne glasses were raised and people kissed under the moonlit skies.. But what now? Well hopefully not this: State TV says Russia could turn the United … Read more

Why Did “The Ukraine” Become Just “Ukraine”?

This from Mental Floss.. and it’s a truly amazing story of how the nation of Ukraine has evolved. The America.The Russia?The Britain? no.. Ukrainians didn’t like “the” Ukraine was bit. No “the” Ukrainians didn’t. I guess we’re all guilty of saying it…now and then. The crisis in “the” Crimea has certainly led to people thinking … Read moreWhy Did “The Ukraine” Become Just “Ukraine”?