8-year-old hero who saved six declared honorary firefighter at funeral

I completely and utterly wept reading this story.. I have nothing more to than that.. I utterly wept… Though I have doubts, I hope there’s a heaven.. I hope this amazing child is there.. I just cannot fathom the grief people who knew and loved Tyler Doohan are feeling.. 8-year-old hero who saved six declared honorary … Read more8-year-old hero who saved six declared honorary firefighter at funeral

I spent a little too much time this weekend reading news accounts of horrible situations

Locally, here in the coal region this morning, two beautiful young children died in a car accident.. Tonight I was reading about a child who died at an Atlanta airport after a display sign fell on him.. I am still following up about the story of the child in Georgia who was killed in his … Read moreI spent a little too much time this weekend reading news accounts of horrible situations