The world is worse than ever? Consider some awful torture devices from antiquity before you render judgement

I had a discussion with someone today .. her point of view: The world is worse than ever. I countered.. and I stand by my point: The world is the same as it ever was. The only difference is now the filters are removed, the truth is out there.. and we know it all. Case … Read moreThe world is worse than ever? Consider some awful torture devices from antiquity before you render judgement

The haunted puppet.. but of ANNABELLE or CONJURING style but in real life.. The DAILY MAIL is among the sploids reporting on this paranormal doll, haunted we’re told.. It tried to choke an owner.. it’s been caught MOVING ITS hands inside a sealed glass cage..  Euen McClelland writes: Paranormal Investigator Jayne Harris, 32, from Stourbridge, … Read more

Head in saucepan ‘granny killer’

Russia was shocked this week by the arrest of a 68-year-old woman being dubbed the babushka serial killer.. Tamara Samsonova murdered a 79-year-old companion for not washing tea cups. It gets worse.. she then cut up the body and dumped parts around town.. And worse: There is video of her dragging body parts from closed … Read moreHead in saucepan ‘granny killer’

This image shows what some paranormal investigators call a candle lit ghost.. There was NO ONE in the eye of he camera when the picture was taken.. Yet there is clearly a woman in the picture taken.. Discern accordingly and be creeped out as well .. More here

A Sunday morning coming down

Normally  this weekly post is usually titled the ‘Sunday morning sidewalk’ .. but today this Sunday morning is coming down..  The reason is not clear, but there is a deep concern in my heart about some personal issues that seem to be developing in my family. Let me explain without giving away personal secrets–I’m a … Read moreA Sunday morning coming down