So evolution of the penis may have happened, too.. Women may have shaped men’s penises through natural selection.. I’d like to get the creationist view on this. Perhaps certain penises couldn’t fit on the ark.
The aliens among us may be.. us
Science is confirming something that has been around for a long, long time: The notion that we are star people. But does this mean we have been created by aliens? Some are realistically exploring that possibility.. and not just those who believe in the 10th planet.. And serious publications are asking it.. such as DISCOVERY.. They … Read moreThe aliens among us may be.. us
You’re as old as you feel.. right?
And the new generation feels a lot older than their parents at the same age!Really..Dutch researchers are telling us something that maybe we all had a little hunch about for a while: Kids these days are obese, unhealthy, have high blood pressure, and are fixated on computer screens. While the best of the best bloggers … Read moreYou’re as old as you feel.. right?
Amazing stuff.. There is something under the Sea …of Galilee. An amazing story is in the works from the Middle East. Researchers have found a human-made structure under the Sea of Galilee. It was made on land.. and covered by water as the Sea rose.. Also noteworthy: The mysterious structure is said to weigh about … Read more
A Saturday night scare, courtesy of space
There is a comet in the Western sky tonight. That’s not the scary part. The scary part is this: An asteroid, only discovered six days ago, is passing relatively close to earth. And it’s as big as a city block–something that would have done a bit of hardcore damage on this planet should it have … Read moreA Saturday night scare, courtesy of space
New information shows why the brain is able to hear one voice at a noisy party and ignore the rest
For some men, even the voice of the woman being spoken to is ignored in favor of the more visual senses.. New information shows why the brain is able to hear one voice at a noisy party and ignore the rest
Intrigue over comet C/2013 A1.. it may hit Mars in 2014.. the possibilities explained.. Maybe plans that that millionaire has to fly a married couple by the red planet in 2018 … will change. Or funny enough, maybe the comet if it strikes could bring building blocks (or rebuilding blocks) to Mars and …. generations … Read more
Freaky stuff. You hear about sinkholes quite a bit.. but more so now. And the massive sinkhole in Louisiana still is being followed by many. It is still growing.. THE GREAT COLLAPSE.. THE EARTH’S CRUST SEEMS TO BE SINKING AND DEPLETING ALL OVER THE PLANET
One of the coolest moving GIFs ever. The man who fell 24 miles in just four minutes, breaking the speed of sound: Felix Baumgartner. I note very little news coverage among the big networks and soon to be defunct papers out there this morning. Instead we’re being treated to a few polls in Ohio. It’s … Read more
More on that theory that you’re a projected simulation, not one that is real
There has been a popular thought lately among folks with astute degrees and high intelligence: The theory that we are not real, that life is just a projection, that humans and the race we have lived and are living is just a big quantum experiment. Or as Nancy Evans Bush said on Coast to Coast AM … Read moreMore on that theory that you’re a projected simulation, not one that is real