Listen, I love a good conspiracy. The bigger the alien, the more I like it. The bigger then disaster awaiting mankind, the more it gets my attention. But on this matter, I just ain’t seein’ it bro. A wave of net conspiracy theories have turned up after a photo from the Curiosity Mars rover was … Read more
Still standing: America’s flag is still on the moon
…or in a Arizona desert.. You be the judge. Still standing: America’s flag is still on the moon
As the solar storm from the X flare hits earth, federal agencies are providing inconsistent information on the power
What is troubling to think about is when a really large solar event takes place that could have a significant impact on this planet, will things be this much of a mess? As the solar storm from the X flare hits earth, federal agencies are providing inconsistent information on the power
The Earth has been lucking out lately, but solar events continue to get stronger
The UK DAILY MAIL reports what we already seem to be aware of: Solar flares just seem to be stronger and stronger in recent months.. Last week we have been seen numerous M class flares and one strong X class flare explode from our sun. Some sunspots have been so large that they 15 Earths … Read moreThe Earth has been lucking out lately, but solar events continue to get stronger
I have been doing some more thinking about the ‘elusive’ God particle
As linked yesterday here, scientists at CERN are expected to make an announcement this week that they have found the Higgs Boson God Particle with 99.99% certainty. The particle has been long sought by those who experiment with the giant CERN collider–it is the particle that makes up the mass of atoms.. My mind can’t necessarily comprehend … Read moreI have been doing some more thinking about the ‘elusive’ God particle
Some old theories on how the moon formed are still around.. but we know this: We don’t really, truly know how exactly the moon formed
…and that is both frustrating and amazing all the same Some old theories on how the moon formed are still around.. but we know this: We don’t really, truly know how exactly the moon formed
Geomagnetic storms may be causing cardiac arrest, depression, and stock market troubles.. That’s right: Solar flares may be messing with your mind
Geomagnetic storms may be causing cardiac arrest, depression, and stock market troubles.. That’s right: Solar flares may be messing with your mind
Solar eruption “mistaken for UFO refeuling from the sun”.. Or was it a UFO………
Look to the sky.. feet on the ground
Yes, there were primaries again tonight.. Mitt Romney won son, Rick Santorum, too.. Newt was in there. And yes there were more arguments and battles over birth control.. and KONY2012.. and all that other stuff. And lots of people were killed in Syria.. and lots of places. But I looked to the sky in the … Read moreLook to the sky.. feet on the ground
Pretty cool stuff (and maybe scary if you’re a power grid) The latest solar flare and CME.. heading towards us.