Hope vs Faith: I may be able to unite religious zealots and atheists with my theory of life

I have been having a series of interesting discussions recently with some friends.. One is a Christian who has faith she says is unwavering, no matter what evidence may appear to the contrary. The other is an atheist who had unwavering faith that nothing of a God exists and instead it’s a fairy tale told … Read moreHope vs Faith: I may be able to unite religious zealots and atheists with my theory of life

Blares and flares.. if the CME don’t kill ya the magnetic storm may

Sunspot AR1429 has unleashed another strong solar flare, an M6-class eruption on March 9th at 0358 UT. The blast hurled a coronal mass ejection almost directly toward Earth..Forecast track.. News outlets and other sources breathed a collective sigh of relief when no major issues occurred from the solar flare unleashed two days ago – but What … Read moreBlares and flares.. if the CME don’t kill ya the magnetic storm may

…if you make it through December .. maybe you’ll be fine…

Get ready to hear about asteroid 2012 DA14. It hurtling towards the planet earth and speculation is building online concerning how close to earth it will get – or if it will hit earth.. And just when you thought Armageddon was going to occur December 2012. Maybe the Mayans were off by two months. Here is … Read more…if you make it through December .. maybe you’ll be fine…

So that is what Stonehenge is! …wait, what does someone think Stonehenge is again? Inspired by a sound illusion..? So even if this ‘illusion’ was the inspiration, why build up the giant stones together just to mimic it? It just still does not add up.

You are what you eat.. which is why a company may have chosen to stop eating what they are patenting..?

Hungry for GMO food? While you’re probably not but eat it unknowingly everyday anyway, consider this: Monsanto doesn’t allow genetically modified foods in its corporate cafeterias.. Greenpeace has the full exposé..  Monsanto believes in choice.. As long as the choice is fresh and GMO free. They clearly know that they are what they eat .. 

This is so cool I almost paid a dollar to post it New super earth with liquid water found orbiting near distant star!Circling three suns!Could it be the perfect spot for life!? Amazing news, amazing discovery.. a universe filled with life, perhaps? …things have changed since the days of grade school when all teacher said was … Read more