Amazing stuff
Reuters: A monster black hole shredded a Sun-like star, producing a strangely long-lasting flash of gamma rays that probably won’t be seen again in a million years, astronomers reported on Thursday
Reuters: A monster black hole shredded a Sun-like star, producing a strangely long-lasting flash of gamma rays that probably won’t be seen again in a million years, astronomers reported on Thursday
We’ll see if they are right: Scientists predict a hibernation of sunspots
Maybe next year. Two years..20 years.100 years. No matter what year, it will happen someday, some time, in the future. Near or far. And boy do we hope it is indeed far, far away. This past week’s solar storm delivered only a glancing blow to earth– but delivered a warning of impending doom in the … Read moreThis past week’s solar storm delivered only a glancing blow to earth– but delivered a warning of impending doom in the future.
Cool stuff: The moon may have a lot more water than imagined, perhaps as much as on Earth in some parts, a study said Thursday, in a discovery that has cast doubt on long-held theories about how it was formed
Intriguing story about scientists publicly saying that the Japan quake was ‘in the air’ a day before it occurred..
Maybe it’s not the rapture, but earth’s core may be melting
New information shows that if a robot looks like a human, chances are it will repulse real humans.
Also just in time for Easter, something that may make everyone question religion as they know it, or knew it: Did science finally find the ‘God particle’?
Just in time for Good Friday: Large Hadron Collider May Have Detected ‘God Particle’
Amazing: NASA posts thousands of incredible space images…