Aliens may be attempting to contact this planet right now.
We just …well.. cannot hear them. Sort of depressing to think of what we may be missing
We just …well.. cannot hear them. Sort of depressing to think of what we may be missing
And it’s going to be future shock for some.. It will be built by three different kinds of robots parachuted to the surface of Mars.. It will house four astronauts and be built using regolith – the loose soil and rocks on the surface of the red planet… And it’s all going to be with … Read moreFirm behind Apple’s Spaceship HQ reveals plans for Mars habitat
From the BBC: A question for the future and the ages. Who owns outer space? I would tend to think that if other life forms dominate space, we never will own it and certainly better not try buying..
New images from Mars have, as usual, caused a sensation..Could this circular stone formation be the Stonehenge of the Red Planet? Could it be the remnants of a past civilization, death from a climactic change? Could it be..stones?
Oh Ben… Carson argued that evolution was of the devil. NO really, he said that it was from hell itself and benefits Satan.
There May be a Massive Disturber Beyond Pluto – The Monitor Daily
I get the reasoning from the VERGE article. I truly do.But there is also a large part of my brain that still look at the NASA gif in quite an incredulous manner. The VERGE (and other media sources) try to debunk those who are trying to debunk the NASA moon GIF
Kepler found another one.. Inching closer to disclosure. And perhaps inching closer to the next place after we escape this planet… It is a planet a little more than one and a half times as big in radius as Earth. Known as Kepler 452b, it circles a sunlike star in an orbit that takes 385 … Read moreIt is a planet a little more than one and a half times as big in radius as Earth. Known as Kepler 452b, it circles a sunlike star in an orbit that takes 385 days, just slightly longer than our own year, putting it firmly in the “Goldilocks” habitable zone where the temperatures are lukewarm and suitable for liquid water on the surface — if it has a surface.
NASA’s New Horizons probe captured these images of the Pluto moons Nix (left) and Hydra (right) on July 14, 2015. The Nix photo was taken from a distance of 102,000 miles (165,000 kilometers), while the Hydra image was snapped from 143,000 miles. A jelly bean and a gray mitten a long long way away..