Those who went to Catholic school or had any religion in their childhood upbringing remembers that mean nun, or nuns, who created a living hell ..  But that is nothing compared to the atrocity that took place in Ireland.. Sisters of no mercy: This is a terrible story coming from Ireland.. Irish nuns forced children to … Read more

Teen ‘knockout game’ continues to harm innocent people

There have been lots of weird trends over the years. I actually remember a few years back, videos surfaced showing people randomly beating up homeless people. There was sadly little outrage because–no matter how many people profess to love all no matter their conditions–may don’t want to have anything to do with the homeless, impoverished, … Read moreTeen ‘knockout game’ continues to harm innocent people

The sick state of our humanity.. the kids indeed are not alright

A Missouri teenager described the murder of a 9-year-old as amazing and exciting… Disturbing words written by Alyssa Bustamante were read aloud in court: ‘I just f***ing killed someone. I strangled them and slit their throat and stabbed them now they’re dead. I don’t know how to feel atm [at the moment]. It was ahmazing. … Read moreThe sick state of our humanity.. the kids indeed are not alright

Earlier this year, a Stockton student was handcuffed with zip ties on his hands and feet, forced to go to the hospital for a psychiatric evaluation and was charged with battery on a police officer. That student was 5 years old

Earlier this year, a Stockton student was handcuffed with zip ties on his hands and feet, forced to go to the hospital for a psychiatric evaluation and was charged with battery on a police officer. That student was 5 years old

The Black (Friday) death: No one cared

This is America, 2011: The show must go on.. during Black Friday shopping, a man died at a shopping mall.. as he lay there in his post-life, shoppers were unfazed and continued their madness of bargain glory.. Mirrors are in order. And we need to take a long, long, look at ourselves.. After of course, … Read moreThe Black (Friday) death: No one cared