Truly important news from Somalia continues to NOT make front pages of newspapers or top stories on nightly news

There’s a lot of news in the world.. but one place seemingly ignored all of the time is Somalia. The latest, as described by the AFP, can bring tears to your eyes: Nearly too weak to cry, Masteha Jama Mohamed’s three-month-old daughter is barely the length of her forearm, as the severely malnourished baby struggles for survival … Read moreTruly important news from Somalia continues to NOT make front pages of newspapers or top stories on nightly news

Cholera outbreak spreads in Somalia..Famine as well..Somalia cholera outbreak related to water and sanitation .. spreading quickly .. Frustration over famine relief..Somalis flee ‘child conscription’..Children flood hospitals..And speaking of Somalia..the United States has been busy–hiring contractors! The US is hiring security firms to train troops.. Bancroft gets the mission .. the US is relying on contractors in the conflict.. There seems … Read more