The world is worse than ever? Consider some awful torture devices from antiquity before you render judgement

I had a discussion with someone today .. her point of view: The world is worse than ever. I countered.. and I stand by my point: The world is the same as it ever was. The only difference is now the filters are removed, the truth is out there.. and we know it all. Case … Read moreThe world is worse than ever? Consider some awful torture devices from antiquity before you render judgement

Americans Need to See the Violence of War, Police and Torture

We constantly fail to acknowledge the atrocities of war , street violence, and human rights abuses that our own government is committing. This is more than an interesting story appearing on TRUTHOUT from the DAILY TAKE.. The idea that for Americans to understand torture and the effects of American policy, we have to see the … Read moreAmericans Need to See the Violence of War, Police and Torture