You may not believe it to be true, but movies of the future will feature no acting.. Only robotic performances. Imagine an Oscar award given to the ‘best android’ in cinema? …The future is coming. From the UK TELEGRAPH, some startling information that should make you question if this all is a good idea or not, … Read more
Facebook The Best Predictor of Your Actions
Using info on one’s Facebook page, new software proved itself better able to judge one’s personality than friends and family members could. Just more proof that technology is becoming another arm of human behavior.. we are programming our personal Facebook pages to act as us.. This gives rise to the strong potential for Facebook to … Read moreFacebook The Best Predictor of Your Actions
The unending quest for the unending: Eternal life
When I tell friends, family members, and co workers that there is a very real hunt to find the key to live forever, I’m scoffed at. Some inform me that the prospect of unending eternity is never going to happen.. They assure me God will step in and disallow any science to give us the … Read moreThe unending quest for the unending: Eternal life
Meet the Google executive who takes 150 supplements a day so he can stay alive long enough to meet the robots
Meet the Google executive who takes 150 supplements a day so he can stay alive long enough to meet the robots
Inside Google HQ: What does the future hold for the company whose visionary plans include implanting a chip in our brains?
The power of computing, and the thrill of its apparently infinite possibilities, has also long been a source of fear. Any of my friends will tell you I thought this was going to happen–and I figured they’d actually implant a ‘phone’ or the internet in some way in our hands to replace the typical cell … Read moreInside Google HQ: What does the future hold for the company whose visionary plans include implanting a chip in our brains?