Question for science folks?

What scares you the most: Solar flares? Asteroids? Comets? The unknown Just wondering. For me, it’s probably solar fares… At least there’s the possibility we’d be hit with an asteroid by surprise, but a solar flare? …we got hours of knowledge before it strikes. The ‘knowing’ scares me more than the unknowns…

Solar flared out? …not the sun. A sunspot, 1263, is only getting bigger.. As a matter of fact, here is how reports it: Behemoth sunspot 1263 has almost doubled in size this weekend. A 28-hour movie from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory shows the spot developing a tail that has added some 50,000 km of length to … Read more

Just one last Supermoon image. And might as well, since we don’t see another one for decades. It was bright Saturday night.. Brighter than normal as spring begins.. Beautiful image here from Fred Thornhill of Reuters of Greg Kerr and Allie Mahoney skating under a full moon on Pigeon Lake near Bobcayeon Ontario March 19, 2011.. 

Cigar shapes over Pennsylvania

I found this interesting article from a Canadian source on UFO sightings in Pennsylvania, which apparently is at a level 4 for sightings.. didn’t know. But what is interesting is the location, I81 and 83, described in the article, are both highways I often frequent in my day-to-day life.. And supposedly there was a cigar … Read moreCigar shapes over Pennsylvania