Welcome to Brazil. It’s not pretty. As a matter of fact, it’s quite deadly.. From NBC: Desperation, criticism grow following Brazil floods
The promised “January thaw” lasted about 50 hours at the beginning of this month.. a promised ‘warm up’ was to come late this month. My latest forecast for this deep dark neck of the formerly economic bastion of growth in the coal region of the United States is calling for snow or ice 95% of … Read more
Regular or decaf? Shopkeepers salvage a coffee machine from their flooded shop in the Brisbane suburb of Milton January 12, 2011.… Read more »REUTERS/Mick Tsikas
There is a certain silence when it snows at night. Nothing moves. But there is a loud noise at the same time. I can only think it’s the roar of a billion snowflakes hitting the ground at once causing a hum of passion. My thoughts as I shoveled tonight. Yes. I think about this stuff… weird.
A dark and snowy night in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania..
Mother Nature gives you no choice: Rest for a night
I took the Coal Speaker dog Bailey for a walk tonight in the snow storm. There was something very peaceful.. Night snow is quiet.. And yes, my location is miles from an interstate and relatively in a quiet part of the earth, there is still noise pollution. But on a night where the only thing visible … Read moreMother Nature gives you no choice: Rest for a night
The storm this week as broken down by Accuweather’s Henry Margusity
The storm this week as broken down by Accuweather’s Henry Margusity
The latest frightening map from Accuweather.. People in New York City may not like seeing this one.. But it may be more notable that the South is in for the massive brunt of the latest winter storm.. Link: Snow, Ice Threatens Travel, Power Outages in South
If I’m not mistaken…
I think this January is missing that coveted January thaw. Maybe later in the month. Sure, that’s it..
A nuisance snowfall or a paralyzing snowstorm? By Tuesday and Wednesday we’ll know since forecasting beforehand hasn’t been helpful lately..