A little Christmas cheer .. Jumpin Joe Biden gets a little fun-loving with a White House reporter.. More here. Check for mistletoe..
white house
USA TODAY is going to stop publishing handout photos from the White House.
Jay Carney gets a little testy at an ABC reporter. One day Jay will have to re-join these ranks again. He should really be nicer.. (Source: https://www.youtube.com/)
NEW YORK TIMES hits: The White House response on Monday to the expanding disclosures of American spying on foreign leaders, their governments and millions of their citizens was a pathetic mix of unsatisfying assurances about reviews under way, platitudes about the need for security in an insecure age, and the odd defense that the president didn’t know that American spies had tapped the German chancellor’s cellphone for 10 years.
NEW YORK TIMES hits: The White House response on Monday to the expanding disclosures of American spying on foreign leaders, their governments and millions of their citizens was a pathetic mix of unsatisfying assurances about reviews under way, platitudes about the need for security in an insecure age, and the odd defense that the president … Read moreNEW YORK TIMES hits: The White House response on Monday to the expanding disclosures of American spying on foreign leaders, their governments and millions of their citizens was a pathetic mix of unsatisfying assurances about reviews under way, platitudes about the need for security in an insecure age, and the odd defense that the president didn’t know that American spies had tapped the German chancellor’s cellphone for 10 years.
POLITICO REPORTS: Tech ‘surge’ to tackle Obamacare websites
The Obama administration Sunday said it’s called on “the best and brightest” tech experts from both government and the private sector to help fix the troubled website at the root of the Obamacare enrollment problems. A new Administration. A new ‘surge’ to handle a crisis of their own creation. I just hope no one in … Read morePOLITICO REPORTS: Tech ‘surge’ to tackle Obamacare websites
Pressing questions being asked in the midst of a government shutdown: Are White House chefs essential?
Pressing questions being asked in the midst of a government shutdown: Are White House chefs essential?
Being an intern at the White House: 45 hours a week and NO PAY!
Smoke forces evacuation of White House press room
Blowing smoke… In the White House!!? Never! Smoke forces evacuation of White House press room
Conan O’Brien was pretty funny at the White House Correspondents Dinner–IN 1995! He surely looked young. Hell, we all were. Clinton was president.. Monica wasn’t even an intern yet, and David Letterman was still beating Leno in ratings. We sure did change a lot, didn’t we?
And it passes..
The new defense bill just passed the Senate.. Ball is in Obama’s court.. the President threatened a veto of the bill of the controversial detention provisions were in it–something that is now in the bill.. Diane Feinstein didn’t agree with the new provisions on terror suspect detentions. .neither did Sens. Rand Paul of Kentucky, Mark … Read moreAnd it passes..