Vanishing phone booths in New York City

This weekend, we received a photo of pay phones on 37th St in New York City.

For those who don’t know, we collect these images around here.. those vestiges of the past are actually quite amazing.. 

Well, it just so happens that only hours after receiving this image, news broke in the city that these, and all other pay phones across Gotham, will become a distant memory!

It’s over..

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WITHOUT WARNING 25 years later

When WITHOUT WARNING aired in 1994, it was 56 years after Orson Welles’ famous WAR OF THE WORLDS tricked radio audiences across America that aliens were landing on the planet earth..

While the WITHOUT WARNING show was not critically acclaimed–actually was critically evicerated by reviewers at the time–it seemingly wanted to do exactly the same thing that WAR OF THE WORLDS did: Trick some people into thinking the story was true..

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