The full moon on December 12 was historic.. it occurred on December 12. At 12am EDT. during the 12th minute..
The twelfth month.
Twelfth date.
Twelfth hour.
Twelfth minute..
It was the final bright full moon of this decade.. And we will not see the number synchronicity for decades more.. It was one of the brightest moons in memory.. it was beautiful, big.. bold. A symbol of the trying teens coming to an end..
Following the 12121212 moon comes the Friday the 13th asteroid flyby!
Enter asteroid XO1..;old=0;orb=0;cov=0;log=0;cad=0#cad
As indicated in the data collected by CNEOS, this asteroid is flying towards Earth at a speed of almost 18,000 miles per hour.
NASA estimated that the asteroid is about 243 feet wide, which makes it about as wide as the wingspan of a Boeing 747 plane…
The last time 2019 XO1 approached Earth was on November 17, 2013. During that time, the asteroid flew past Earth from a distance of 0.09488 astronomical units or about 8.8 million miles away..
After its visit this week, the asteroid is not expected to return to Earth’s neighborhood until Dec. 22, 2022, where it will approach Earth from a distance of 0.09534 astronomical units or roughly 8.9 million miles away..
But back to Friday the 13: It will be 1.9 million miles away (that is kind of close in space miles!) 2019 XO1’s upcoming approach will happen on Dec. 13 at 8:25 a.m. EST. According to the asteroid’s orbit diagram, the near-Earth approach will occur after the space rock intersected the planet’s orbit. This means that instead of approaching Earth from a diagonal or perpendicular direction, the asteroid will be almost parallel to Earth as it makes its flyby…
So this is the decade to enjoy! The roaring 20s are coming..
The Friday the 13th asteroid post 12121212 is flying by.
The next worry we have (unless something we have yet to notice jumps out from interstellar space) will be a April 13, 2029 asteroid called Apophis.
Apophis will pass within a distance of around 31,000 kilometers from Earth’s surface, or just 19,000 or so miles.. it will fly by (we hope) ten times closer than the moon, and even closer than some man-made satellites…
2029 will be a potentially scary time.. This flyby is going to be razor thin..
So ….. as 2019 ends and the 20s begin, let’s live it up. If we make it 2030 we’ll be fine..
PS Ayden *my son* .. if we make it through the decade we may be fine.. but if you live to 95 you’ll have to deal with 2012 YQ1, which will, in all likelihood, crash into Earth, but not until 2106.. you have been warned.