The ghosts of Black Fridays past

Black Friday just ain’t what it used to be.

Sure the UK DAILY MAIL picked up on a story from Allentown PA of people fighting in the Lehigh Valley Mall in front of a FOREVER 21 store.. But besides that event, very few other like it made headlines..

Christmas, it would seem, has lost its gusto.. it lost that faint scent of materialism…

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The 2019 armistice

It was the year 1919.

The Treaty of Versailles was signed.. a cease fire ended hostilities..

World War I had just ended.. Those of us who remember those fun tales from from history class know that it was termed ‘the war to end all wars.’

Instead power brokers created an entirely new version of the Middle East, one that seemingly has doomed the world to eternal conquest and quagmire..

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