An interesting perspective from Ambrose Evans-Pritchard: He writes that Tunisia and Egypt are the first countries experiencing a ‘food revolution’..

He writes,

The surge in global food prices since the summer – since Ben Bernanke signalled a fresh dollar blitz, as it happens – is not the underlying cause of Arab revolt, any more than bad harvests in 1788 were the cause of the French Revolution.

Yet they are the trigger, and have set off a vicious circle. Vulnerable governments are scrambling to lock up world supplies of grain while they can. Algeria bought 800,000 tonnes of wheat last week, and Indonesia has ordered 800,000 tonnes of rice, both greatly exceeding their normal pace of purchases. Saudi Arabia, Libya, and Bangladesh, are trying to secure extra grain supplies

An interesting perspective from Ambrose Evans-Pritchard: He writes that Tunisia and Egypt are the first countries experiencing a ‘food revolution’..