It’s beginning to look a lot like a shut down. The post office will deliver. The military will fight. But they will not be paid. 800,000 or so will be furloughed.. National parks will close. Happy spring.
Month: April 2011
I realized how quick life can go by..
But I may have found a way to savor the moment: Mental images. Take in the entire room, entire scene, and everyone in it. Tonight I watched my mom and dad talk to my son.. I took it all in and kept in my mental album, hopefully for the rest of my life.
Russians lay down the law
And they don’t want you to Gmail or Skype about it.. For some reason, Russia seems to be planning out a ban of Hotmail, Gmail, Skype, all because they pose a ‘security threat’ of some type to the nation. “The FSB would like to ban these services in Russia because "security authorities cannot access them” The UK … Read moreRussians lay down the law
Friday shrouded in fog. Be safe
Ahhh yes. The privileges and perils of modern technology
Note to parents (me’ included): Don’t overdo technology for your children.. They may go through withdrawal when you take it away..
…just interesting (for the lack of a better word) that women always and men rarely are put on trial for prostitution.
The next bubble is bursting
And you can most likely see it for yourself. It’s at malls, once thriving, now diving. Vacancy rates are reaching some scary highs..
The FBI releases ‘the vault’ of documents
They include memos on Malcolm X, 9/11, and a truly fascinating account of how the US government recovered alien bodies from a UFO crash site in New Mexico.. A truly interesting read if you peruse the vault.. And amazing that this UFO tidbit was included with the declassified docs The FBI releases ‘the vault’ of … Read moreThe FBI releases ‘the vault’ of documents
Goodnight. Farewell. Until next time. Ride the see-saw..
NASA is studying a long cosmic burst from the center of a distant galaxy. Astronomers think the the blast occurred “when a star wandered too close to its galaxy’s central black hole,” NASA said.