At first I was surprised today at how many people I know or work without didn’t know the real meaning of Valentine’s Day

…and then I discovered just how many meanings there were. I learned something myself..

Roman gods of fertility..

Ancient Pagan Festival of Lupercus..


….little lovely signs of love..


And then I realized why it was so easy for corporations, Hallmark, and chocolate companies to take over the holiday and do what they do best: Profit off of it.

I used to work in the restaurant industry (and still miss it.) Therefore I can only predict diners and dives across America are filled tonight.. bad chicken and tough steak … being served as we speak. Lovers out to eat.. balloons.. kisses.. and sour stomachs to follow.

Yes, indeed. Tonight is the  night of love.

As for my wife and I? We took a more simple approach.. I gave Tara a balloon, a card, and a cheese steak. She gave me Cadbury Mini Eggs and David’s Jumbo Sunflower Seeds. And Ayden gave her an Elmo picture. A simple, kind, nice.. and meaningful Valentine’s Day 2012. Whatever Valentine’s Day means anyway..

A woman shapes a heart in snow on Valentine's Day at the frozen lake Bled