For those who don’t know, a very cool and historic thing is occurring on the Senate floor.. Rand Paul is filibustering the John Brennan nomination ..

The Kentucky Sen. has been filibustering the nomination since around 11 o’clock this morning, he is now going into our number nine and was joined by some Republicans and one Democrat.. Paul Is being very critical of the Obama administration and their policy that may allow for the use of drones to kill Americans on US soil..

I always had a special place in my heart for a filibuster, ever since I watch the show Highway to Heaven in the 1980s when one episode starred John Forsythe Filibustering an issue and dying of a heart attack on the Senate floor..

At this point mainstream media is going to have to start paying attention to what’s happening on the Senate floor.. For those who thought that Rand Paul just looks like a Confederate Muppet, they may get a different perspective of him as a power player on the political scene in Washington DC after this event

Seriously folks, when someone can filibuster for nine hours plus you know he’s dedicated to an issue, regardless of what you think about him or that issue

For those who don’t know, a very cool and historic thing is occurring on the Senate floor.. Rand Paul is filibustering the John Brennan nomination ..