The year 2013 is about to go out with a bang, it is a Danny Snyder’s kind of night
Day: December 30, 2013
The Canary Islands in the coal mine
There is still fear in 2014.. There have been some interesting and unsettling earthquakes in the Canary Islands over the past few days–this has happened before. When it did, there were rumors that a giant East Coast tsunami would occur. That was helped by people like John Moore on his radio program.. Now that the … Read moreThe Canary Islands in the coal mine
Showing my age..
My niece and her friend were at our house this weekend, they’re of the age where they want to just watch mindless horror movies.. I put in Halloween from 1978, I expected them to be as amazed as I was when I was a young teenager like them.. They got bored quickly, and their only … Read moreShowing my age..
Here is the full TWILIGHT ZONE marathon schedule from the SYFY channel..
It’s been the traditional way I’ve rung in the new year for a long time now.. Thanks to the SYFY channel (*then SCI FI) for all the wonderful memories of the Twilight Zone you’ve given me each and every New Years Eve.. I have already written down the times of my favorites.. Maybe I can … Read moreHere is the full TWILIGHT ZONE marathon schedule from the SYFY channel..
Steam is coming from Fukushima Unit 3 reactor building — and it was observed multiple times this week
Another majorly important story about Fukushima that really no media organization is paying any mind to.. Steam is coming from Fukushima Unit 3 reactor building — and it was observed multiple times this week
Here’s one of the latest model runs for this Thursday.. 2014 may begin with a bang on the East Coast–a bang of snow and winter weather. This is a cold storm, too.. the way the arctic air will settle in beforehand would ensure that anything that falls with this scenario is frozen precipitation. While local … Read more
What a weird year it’s been … We started 2013 hating Vlad the impaler.. Midyear it seemed everyone wanted to boycott the Russian Olympics over the LGBT controversy. And now as the year ends, the world seems to be on his side, hoping he can save the 2014 Winter Olympics from terrorism… The Winter Games … Read more
This is something that may not let you sleep easy tonight.. Imagine traveling down the highway at 65, cool wind in your hair. And suddenly your feel like you hit a truck. But you didn’t.. your car just thought you did. Your car was hacked.. It’s a serious issue, and as this video shows, just … Read more
Sun has ‘flipped upside down’ as new magnetic cycle begins–with video to show it
The north and south poles of the big star that lights our world have officially flipped. The midpoint of the 22 year process has happened. Feel better about that? Sun has ‘flipped upside down’ as new magnetic cycle begins–with video to show it
The Effects of Nursing on Nurses
My niece is a nurse.. she recently linked up this article about nursing, by a nurse, on the site OFCOURSEITSABOUTYOU.COM .. The money quote perhaps that best sums up the article as a whole (though you should still read it nonetheless): Nursing can be rewarding. But nursing is a fucking hard job. If you are … Read moreThe Effects of Nursing on Nurses