The Canary Islands in the coal mine

There is still fear in 2014.. There have been some interesting and unsettling earthquakes in the Canary Islands over the past few days–this has happened before. When it did, there were rumors that a giant East Coast tsunami would occur. That was helped by people like John Moore on his radio program.. Now that the rumbling is happening again, those same rumors are being told. John Hogue is weighing in on the earthquake swarm and potential ramifications if Las Palmas euptions take place..

From “Two years after a new underwater volcano appeared offshore of El Hierro in the Canary Islands, earthquake swarms and a sudden change in height suggest a new eruption is brewing near the island’s villages, officials announced today”

If a big tsunami did occur, it would cause devastation in the aftermath..Predictions that it would be 300 feet high, cover islands.. And here is a map of what it could do to the United States. 
And it just so happened that this all occurred around the same time of these warnings of increased volcanic and seismic activity: A strong 5.4 shakes the Canary Islands..