Video shows blasts at nuclear waste dump site that shut down U.S. 95!


The report being linked is from the Las Vegas REVIEW JOURNAL in Sin City..  Reporter Keith Rogers writes,

A video of Sunday’s explosions that preceded a fire in a state-owned radioactive waste trench at the US Ecology site 10 miles south of Beatty shows white smoke emanating from the soil before the ground erupts, shooting debris and more white smoke into the air.

The 40-second cellphone video, released Thursday by the Nevada Department of Public Safety two days after the Las Vegas Review-Journal had requested it, was taken from a berm atop Trench No. 11 overlooking the soil cap of Trench No. 14.

Trench No. 14 is where containers of low-level radioactive waste were buried in part of a pit the size of a football stadium in the 1970s.

Think about this for a second before reading on..

And now some more words from Rogers’ excellent newspaper reporting on the subject:

State Fire Marshal Chief Peter Mulvihill said Tuesday investigators don’t know yet what caused the “energetic burning” in that pit Sunday but whatever caught fire below the surface of the unlined, clay terrain “definitely burned very hot.”

The state’s public safety team decided to allow the fire to burn itself out instead of trying to douse it because they didn’t want to put water on any material that might be reactive to water, fearing that could potentially exacerbate the problem.

But as usual..
Nothing to see here.
Go about your business.
IT’s all under control.

Of course it wasn’t going to be released until an information request from a newspaper made it happen.

All good, all well,
All is fine in nuclear hell.